Hybrid live & club Night – w/ Youff live & L4U | 25.11 KulturA.

Hybrid Nights


Surprise! Hybrid revient retourner le KulturA ce samedi 25 novembre. Une soirée Live & Club pour faire dancer tous les hybriders jusqu’au bout de la nuit

Youff (live)
Kathleen C

  • more TBA !

_ Youff (live) _
Youff is a Belgian noise rock band with members of 30,000 Monkies, Crowd Of Chairs, Maze and Mesher. Known for their energetic live sets and raw, unnerving sound, they keep on attacking the senses, one release at a time. Rooted in the foothills of the infamous H8000 scene, the band started out as a duo in 2014. Drawing inspiration from local bands like Rise and Fall or Hessian, as well as weirdo noise related acts such as Lightning Bolt, Arab on Radar, Shit and Shine and Brainbombs.
Over the years they kept shapeshifting, exploring the sonic possibilities of different collaborations and different lineups. It’s like they’re approaching band members as ingredients to a filthy, increasingly saturated stew. Slowly adding more and more, evolving from a two to a three piece, then a quartet and eventually – for now – the five-headed formation that brings you Heydays, the 7th release out since October 27th.
Les dernières éditions se sont toutes soldées sur des soldout! Ne tarde pas à prendre le tien !

  • Avant 23:00: 5€
  • 23:00-00:00: 8€
  • Après 00:00: 10€
    Ticket link soon
    Samedi 25/11/23
    KulturA. Grande Salle
    more info @hybridnights